The main entrance door should be fixed on an auspicious day after performing Vastu Pooja. The Location of the Main door is also very important. To figure out where to place a main door, imagine that you are standing in front of the house and divide the front facade of the house into nine parts. The door should be in the fourth or the sixth module from the left, when facing the house.
North- facing door should be in the 4th module from the left when facing the house, that is favoring towards the North-East. The Reason - Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed more to the centre of the wall and windows should be kept in the North-East.
West facing door: can be located in the 4th module from the left when facing the house, that is favouring the North-West and not towards the South-West. The Reason - Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North and East to allow constant sunlight through the day. It is best to avoid openings in the South-West since the hot infra-red rays of the evening sunlight are projected maximum towards this direction.
South facing main door: must not be in the center of the building but should be in the 6th module from the left when facing the house, that is more towards the South-East. The Reason – It is always preferrable to have few openings in the South-West since the hot infra-red rays of the evening sunlight are projected maximum towards this direction.
East facing door: can be located in the 6th module from the left when facing the house, that is more to the North-East. The Reason - Since the North-East corner of a plot is to be left open for sunlight to enter the house, it makes sense to enter from this space but only after leaving as much of window openings towards the North and East.
A simpler way of deciding the right position of the main door is as follows: Imagine that you are standing outside the house, facing the front of the house. Divide the front facade of the house into two parts with an imaginary, middle, vertical line. The door should be placed towards the centre, either in the left or the right half, depending on the direction the house faces.
e house faces.
For a North-facing house - Avoid placing a door in the right half (North-West), instead place it in the left half, that is in the North-East. The Reason - Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow sunlight constantly, through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed more to the centre of the wall and windows should be kept in the North-East.
The door should not be at the corner of the walls, but a few feet away from the corner junction. The Reason - Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North and East to allow constant sunlight through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed away from the N-E corner, more to the centre.
For a West-facing house - Avoid placing a door in the right half (South-West), instead place it in the left half, that is in the North-West. The Reason - It is always preferrable to have few openings in the South-West since the hot infra-red rays of the evening sunlight are projected maximum to this direction.
If a house has a main entrance in the West it should have a corresponding door in the East also. The Reason -To allow maximum, useful UV rays found in the morning sunlight, into the house, since it is beneficial for health of the inamtes. (vitamin D synthesis)
For a South-facing House - Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-West), instead place it in the right half, that is in the South-East. The Reason - It is always preferrable to have minimum number of openings in the South-West since the hot infra-red rays of the evening sunlight are projected maximum to this direction.
If a house has a main entrance in the South there should be one more corresponding to it in the North direction also. The Reason – To allow the constant light from the North into the house.
For a East facing House - Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-East), instead place it in the right half, that is towards the North-East. The Reason - Since the North-East corner of a plot is to be left open, for sunlight to enter the house, it makes sense to enter from this space but only after leaving as much of window openings towards the North and East.
Thus you can see in Vastu, there is no bad location for a main door. Its the pseudo vastu pundits who claim that South and West entrances are bad and the entrance door should only be in the North or East, because they take the Vastu Shastra guidelines too literally – Since Vastu recommends more open space in the North and East, it makes sense to have the entrance from either of these directions. But it’s not a hard and fast rule.
Avoid the main door directly facing the main door of the opposite house. The Reason- It is quite uncomfortable when both the doors are open, as one unconsciously tends to look into the other house.
Avoid the main door directly facing an abandoned, rundown or dilapidated building: The Reason- It is quite disconcerting, every time you open the door to see an eerie looking building right in front of you.
The entrance gate and the main door should be on the same side: It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property. The Reason- It doesn’t make sense to have the entrance on one side and then have the main door on the opposite side as guests and outsiders are forced to walk right across the length of the site, thus invading into the privacy of the inmates.
Avoid having an underground tank, septic tank under the main entrance: The Reason - In case the tank has to be opened or cleaned, it can be very inconvenient if it is right in front of the main door.
Avoid locating the main entrance door in the corners of the house: The Reason- If the door is in the extreme corner, it will be difficult to have a neat furniture layout in the room, as the corner is used for movement.
Avoid locating a wall directly in front of the entrance door: There should be a door that opens to the next room in line of sight, opposite the main door. The Reason- The fresh air entering the house, every time you open the door, can flow into the rest of the house and finally go out through the exit. This allows the house to breathe properly.
It is preferable to have two doors, an entrance and an exit door: However, the exit door should be smaller than the entrance door. The Reason- The fresh air entering into the house through the entrance, will go out through the exit and thus be forced to pass through the rest of the house, thus allowing the house to breathe.
The main entrance door should be the largest door of the house: The Reason- A large main door looks inviting and allows big objects, like beds, to be brought in from outside without difficulty.
The main door should open inside and clockwise: The Reason- If the door swings open in a clockwise motion, you use your left hand to open the door for the guests, thus enabling you to guide them in with your right hand.
Avoid self-closing doors: The Reason- With the self closing locks available nowadays, the doors can shut and close by themselves, but there is the risk that the door will close accidentally in the breeze while the keys are inside the house.
Avoid creaking doors: The Reason- Doors that creak indicate bad workmanship and that the door hinges are not well oiled.
The main door should have a threshold: Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side. The Reason- The threshold will deter ants and other pests from entering into the house. The shoes in front of the door can be an eyesore and cause you to stumble.
Auspicious signs on the door like ‘Om’ and “Swastika’: The Reason- When you or a guest stand in front of the door it is better to see some pleasant images instead of just a plain door.
Wood of Teak, Honne, Matti are good for the main door: Wood from Peepal, Coconut, trees giving flowers and fruits out of season, Thorny trees, Fragrant trees, etc should not be used. The Reason – Its important to protect useful trees that provide us with fruit etc.
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